What creature is Gollum?
A – Elf
B – Hobbit
C – Goblin
D – Orc
If you know the answer to this question, then you must go to the Beer Shop tonight. They are hosting Lord of the Rings Trivia Night at 7:30 p.m.
The incomparable Maui Jones will host. Bring a team or gather an adventuring party when you arrive at the tavern. Prizes (and eternal honor) will be awarded to the winning team.
Did you know they host a Trivia Night on the first and the third Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 P.M.?
Be sure to mark your calendar!
Beer Shop
1026 North Blvd.
To find out What’s on Tap, visit Beer Shop’s Current Tap List.
*The answer is C – Gollum is a Stoor Hobbit!